Monday, January 31, 2011


Sunday, January 30, 2011


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You laugh you lose!

Click this one! No spam just something funny!

Replaces regular bacon.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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If your a single man under 35, and you haven't heard of Bachelor Frog, please look below. 


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sledding Fail

Ok, he isn't failing at the moment. But look at his face, then look at the way he is going down the hill. All is there for what could be a very epic fail!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fountain Girl

Surely by now most of you have heard about Cathy Marrero.  Cathy, an employee at her local mall, tripped and fell into a fountain while texting on her mobile phone. The video was posted on Youtube just a few days after the accident and it turned into an instant hit.

Most people would probably laugh along and be excited about their 15 minutes of internet fame. Instead, she is so embarrassed over the matter she is starting a crusade of idiocy to hold all people accountable. According to her lawyer, she is disgusted with mall security for not rushing to the scene of the accident to make sure she is ok. She feels that “nobody took my feelings into consideration….nobody went to my aid.” 

Now, while her lawyers are making a case against the security for not checking on her safety (after she immediately stood up and left the area) she actually seemed to be more upset that people are laughing at her misfortune in an interview with ABC.

The first thing on her to-do list is having the individual who posted the video fired from the mall. Next is to probably have the fountain removed from the mall so the next jack-off walking while texting won't trip and fall in. To anyone wanting to be on national news all you have to do is get caught on camera falling into a fountain while texting, then throw a big baby fit that people are laughing at you. I'll keep you posted with the on goings  of Mrs. Marrero and her lawyer.